Originally Posted by Humble Bricklayer
Why is the Law of Moses, with all his laws, really ONE law? Or more to the point, what is that ONE law?
The answer to that question is simply:
Observe, obey, and keep ALL 613 laws that are written in the Law that you are commanded to observe, obey, and keep. Do not disobey, do not fail to keep, even one little jot, one tiny tittle...for even a second.
Do this...and you shall have fulfilled the Law.
Don't just obey the Ten Commandments. Don't only keep a hundred laws. Don't only keep two hundred laws. Don't stop at three hundred or four hundred. Don't even stop at 612 and leave one undone. If, according as it is written, I should love God with all my heart and all my soul, and yet on one summer day plough my field with an ox and a donkey yoked together, then I am no better than a thief or a murderer. My love for God -under this regime- counts for absolutely nothing!
No. Follow all 613 injunctions...all the time!
That is the divine standard.
It makes me think of a high school let's say chemistry test. I'm imagining that test has a hundred questions and the passmark is 100%. And the rule is if I get 50 answers right but get 50 wrong, I get 0%. And if I get 99 answers right but get only one wrong, I still get 0%. And the penalty for getting 0% is that the chemistry teacher is under instructions to gas you to death. Even if I were a genius I would be out of that class sooo fast.
I think the LSM full time training from what I've heard is a bit, or a lot like this.
One time someone I know, on the first day of training was commended highly for being the best out of all of them at organizing his socks very neatly in his sock drawer. A couple days later he was shamed and criticized before everybody for, I think it was -if memory serves me- having arranged the same socks (just as neatly, mind you) in the wrong color order. He was very discouraged. It emerged later that it was only done to trim him to size because they didn't want his earlier praise to inflate him. This is standard practice at the trainings.
So just as the law's purpose is to show you how weak and sinful you are to lead you to faith in Christ, so all the rules and regulations at the FTT's are purpose built to break you down to expose how weak and useless you are in your humanity, so that you may see your desperate need of The Ministry.