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Old 04-02-2024, 04:48 AM   #6
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Default Re: The Law of Christ

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Regarding my beloved brothers and sisters who embrace THE LAW, I have found it well nigh impossible to obtain a decent definition of what the LAW actually is.
The most dangerous among these I think are the sabbatarians like SDA who say that Sabbath keeping on Saturday is "evidence" for Salvation. It does seem like this view could fall under Paul's warning in Galatian 5:1-6 that anyone trying to be justified by a part of the law of Moses can fall away from grace and be cut off from Christ since they will be obligated to keep the whole law.

This first post is actually a result of research of whether one should keep the Sabbath which is something that I had to be sure about because according to their position, Christians who worship on Sunday are not saved. Along the way I found a good page that thoroughly debunks Sabbath keeping as a requirement that I'm trying to share with SDA friends:

And a good video I found on debunking Sabbath keeping which also covers some of Ellen G White's visions:
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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