Originally Posted by Humble Bricklayer
you absolutely cannot subdivide the LAW into 'moral commandments' on the one hand, and into commandments that are of a 'ceremonial' character on the other.
Such classifications only serve narrow academic objectives and are -or at least should be- intended only to enable learners and academics to better understand Scripture. They are a hermeneutic tool in much the same way that the number 'Pi' is useful to architects and engineers.
The LAW is an integer: a monolithic standard. It is NOT kept piecemeal. And was never intended to be. And so no part of it is 'carried over' into the New Covenant.
The single biggest error that has been carried forward, causing no small amount of dissension, confusion, and grief, has been the failure to realize that the writers of the NT, with perhaps the exception of Luke, were all law-keeping Jews.
The gospel message to the gentiles was that they (the gentiles) did not have to convert to Judaism to enter into the kingdom. The Jews, being Jews, continued to keep the law, whilst the gentile converts were not beholden, save the "royal law" to love one another (Ja 2:8). Yet the believing Jews kept the law to the grave.
What has happened in the Christian polity is that the gentiles kicked out the law-keeping Jews in the 3rd century, and have been arguing about keeping the law ever since.