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Old 03-16-2024, 09:55 AM   #30
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 273
Default Re: Titus Chu spin off-help?


Again, I agree with the bulk of your post, maybe its entirety. I think the beatdown tactic is counterproductive. I sometimes wonder it’s just because I’m too soft to handle it but actually, I don’t wonder that anymore. My younger self did. This as a public forum makes it difficult to speak plainly as you no doubt understand. My deepest intention in the present discussion is (I think) to try to nudge this thread away from a TC-bashing session. I read your verses and they are true: leaders do need to be taken to account. How the Lord does that is up to Him though I am not unaware that He used many means in the OT including the nations to do the disciplining. And, as you note, the prophets such as Nathan (who, imho, told the most cunning allegory in history).

My LC experience, as you know from years ago postings, is really atypical. But it is part of the mosaic and many people both inside and out are unaware of such experiences. The Blended Bros. seemed really caught off guard by my story. I wrote, with great pleasure, during the quarantine time how Titus had been to my home but not a one of them had even taken ten minutes to meet meet in the nine trainings I attended on their soil. That arrow found its mark, let me assure you. (I feel guilty even now of the pleasure I feel at this moment recalling the exchanges I made with them. It’s fleshly and I denounce myself. Yet still I smile.)
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