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Old 03-12-2024, 02:38 PM   #120
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
We all know his major faults and his major errors.

The real question is does his major errors/sins disqualify his ministry? On that note we could ask is his ministry infallible? I would say no. I think there's mistakes in it as well as contradictions, and some of them are pretty big. We can see from all the testimonies that his views on deputy authority were misused and hurt a lot of people. But does that negate everything else he's said over the course of his lifetime work? I don't know that it does. Clearly the believers in the LC are enjoying it or else they wouldn't be there would they? If his ministry has no good to it then what would be the motivation to follow it?
Jay, just a couple of my takeaways from what you had posted.

1. Regarding your blanket assertion that Witness Lee's major faults and errors are common knowledge - in reality, I have found that the depth of Lee's wickedness is still coming to light in 2024. One example is the previously unheard of June 4, 1991 Hong Kong Declaration!

2. You asked why people would stay in the LCs and continue to follow Lee's ministry. In the past I used to think this was mainly due to an addiction. However, after reading a letter from a former prominent LC leader, I'm convinced that "the super glue" ingredients are much more sinister.

In August of 2001, in a letter to Steve Isitt, brother Albert Zehr made the following excellent observations regarding the Lord's Recovery Movement:

"In their hearts these dear ones have elevated the teachings of Witness Lee and the doctrines of the recovery to be commensurate with the WORD. They perceive these to be God's "present day speaking." Unconsciously, this makes them infallible and unquestionable. They become part of one's very faith and foundation. This stance requires total subjective loyalty and acceptance and makes an objective review impossible if not blasphemous. The longer one is in this mode the more of the lifetime that has been built on it the more inconceivable it becomes that it might be a deception. Everything else is measured by this "vision" and nothing can measure it."

Think about it Jay!

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we faint not; but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. [2 Cor 4:1-2 ASV] - Our YouTube Channel - OUR WEBSITES - OUR FAVORITE SONG, ''I Abdicate''
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