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Old 03-11-2024, 03:26 PM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Posts: 34
Default Re: Titus Chu spin off-help?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
We were so indoctrinated with the "church" teaching/s that even today when leaving that place, we first start looking for another "church" rather than looking to know him. If we know him, he will take care of our fellowship with other believers.

So here's my advice: forget "church". Follow him, seek him in all things and he will guide your path. He will direct you to fellowship with others.

Just my opinion, hope it helps!
I concur with Nell on the importance of prioritizing a personal relationship with God. However, I believe seeking a new church is not inherently wrong, nor would I suggest neglecting church altogether. It's important to acknowledge that the Lord might guide someone through various paths to detoxify spiritually and embark on a healthy spiritual journey.

In my own experience, leaving the cult of Witness Lee would have been impossible without first connecting with a genuine Christian church. The fellowship within a church and forming friendships with more mature believers played a crucial role for both my family and me. Leaving a controlling group comes with its challenges, such as dealing with an inflated or deflated sense of self, the risk of falling into other heretical teachings, or the trap of joining another cult online. Therefore, emotional and spiritual support is absolutely vital.

I want to emphasize that lacking a church community or close relationships with more mature believers can significantly slow down or even jeopardize the process of spiritual healing and recovery.
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