Originally Posted by Nell
One church was called up and Lee picked on a young sister. She froze. She was terrified. Lee kept badgering her to speak. She couldn't. Even if she did know the answer he was looking for, she was too scared to speak. She was visibly shaking. Lee finally moved on to someone else.
When this young sister returned home after being "tested" by Lee, she was never the same. Before being "tested" by Lee, she had a smile on her face, bright eyes, happy and a loving mother to her child. After Lee's public beat down, she was withdrawn and quiet. Her smile was gone. Hollow eyes. She rarely testified in the meetings anymore.
Where were the courageous elders, friends, husband, or family to protect and defend her? They were all hiding in fear.
Never once did I ever see anyone coming to the defense of these “shamed” ones, whether brothers or sisters. Myself included, we were all cowards. We allowed LC bullies to shame, intimidate, and destroy, in some cases. I have seen grown men beat down and take months or years to recover.
In practice, this is really nothing more than the “perfecting” that many have received when tortured in the inquisitions. Of course, they received some “perfection.” Our Lord is so faithful. His grace is sufficient.
But LC bullying is “mostly” not for perfecting. It’s all about power. Fear-based power. And only the man at the top, the MOTA, is immune from this. So it’s no wonder why so many fight to be on top.