Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 03-05-2024, 06:02 AM   #1376
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Default Beatdown of Sisters too

The early on training format had Lee "testing" the trainees the morning after the night message. I don't know how it works now. The trainees were called up to the speaker platform by church, and expected to answer his questions about what he shared the night before. There was competition to be closest to the front to be "seen" by Lee.

One church was called up and Lee picked on a young sister. She froze. She was terrified. Lee kept badgering her to speak. She couldn't. Even if she did know the answer he was looking for, she was too scared to speak. She was visibly shaking. Lee finally moved on to someone else.

When this young sister returned home after being "tested" by Lee, she was never the same. Before being "tested" by Lee, she had a smile on her face, bright eyes, happy and a loving mother to her child. After Lee's public beat down, she was withdrawn and quiet. Her smile was gone. Hollow eyes. She rarely testified in the meetings anymore.

Later, in her locality, after a repeat of the classic message about how a wife and children were a "burden" to the brother/husband's "spritual life" (not sure which spirit he was talking about), this same sister, after being brutalized by Lee...later her husband stood in the meeting and confirmed what a burden his wife and children were to him and his own personal walk.

His wife was not in that meeting to hear his disparaging words about her. She was in the hospital having just given birth to his third child. So Lee taught him well. I lost all respect for this clueless "brother".

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