Re: The LCS Factor
Originally Posted by Ohio
After leaving the LC, I looked back on my years watching marriage counseling, sometimes close up and sometimes from a distance. I concluded that, for the most part, no LC leader really had any idea what he was doing. Nearly no leader in that program ever learned to actually be discrete. Advice coming from our regional leader was perhaps only applicable in early 20th century China. Some of the counsel was just naïve at best, illegal at worst, and none of it valuable in the long term.
It wasn't until I left the LC that I learned there was a brother in Ohio was who actually schooled and practicing Christian marital and family counseling. What a blessing to the body of Christ that could have been. Unfortunately he is no longer with the LC. I doubt if his ministry would have any place in that system, though I'm sure they would object.
I spent a lot of years in LC, and I can attest that all of their past and current attempts to somehow make it sound that they ever did value families and honored marriages is just that, an attempts to cover their heads and wash their hands of their own failures. In my time there, which is well over a decade, there wasn’t a single one conference, training, or any of theirs seven years reinstituted feasts dedicated for families, young couples or marriages.
Furthermore, I truly believe that these issues go further than just surface mundane things that all families and marriages deal with, there is absolute lack of knowledge and abilities to offer any constructive advice, tangible and genuine support. All of these coworkers and the blended bros, only have one agenda: to make sure the name and the image of Lee is upheld to the highest of standards. They have no idea on how to shepherd or care, and possess no knowledge or abilities on how to tend to a broken, hurt people and marriages. Their best assets are the writings of Lee, and their best practices are those that he instituted, and if anyone has had a chance to just search out what Lee said about marriage and how to deal with true realities - it’s some of the worst advice one can give to anyone, let alone a brother or sister in Christ.
Here is some samples of the advice we got from Witness Lee: (all of these are available online, you can find it with very little effort)
-Every parent, regardless of how smart or foolish he is, has a talent for raising children. Child raising is not a special talent; it is a talent given by birth.
-We are here not for our studies, not for the family, not for raising children, not to care for homes, and not for doing business. We are here for the service.
-If the service in the church is functioning properly, we will be fully occupied by all the new ones that we bring forth. If we do not bear new fruit and our numbers are the same year after year, there will be no need for raising children.
-Today we do not hear much truth in Christianity. The saddest thing is that in the chapels in the United States we hear of nothing but marriage, careers, or other things such as raising children, none of which is the pure and deep truth.
-If we care for the church, then our marriage, education, job, and future will all be covered. Some people have condemned me for being too much for the church.
-Strictly speaking, God is not interested in our marriage, education, job, health, family, husband, wife, children, or parents. God is interested in the church.
-Marriage life is an example of this kind of imprisonment. In a good sense, our marriage does not usher us into a banquet but into a "prison”.
-Have you seen God, Christ, the Church, and the Churches? The sisters must forget about their husbands, and the brothers must forget about their wives. We must forget about our preoccupations and see God, Christ, the Church, and the churches. Hallelujah!
-Likewise, if our marriage is only for ourselves, we will miss the mark of God's will, but if our marriage is for the building up of the Body, it will be according to God's will. Furthermore, in relation to migration, our primary concern should not be our job or our house but should be the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.
-Our marriage, education, living, and whatever we do must be for the unique will of God, that is, for the Body. If a young brother prays about marriage, he may say, "Lord, which sister is most suitable for Your Body?" When he prays about his education, he should say, "Lord, which line of study best fits with Your Body?" When he considers buying a house, he may say, "Lord, what kind of house suits Your Body?" If we care for God's will, we will know whom to marry, what line of education we should pursue, and what house we should buy.
-As long as we come to Him and seek His will, He will paint us; that is good enough. He cares not for our marriage or schooling but for this painting.
I always wondered why there is extremely rare cases in LC of true marriage relationships, where it’s a types of Christ and the church. After I left, and dug around for archaeological roots, and there they are.