Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:44 AM   #1360
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
20 years ago, while I was still in the LC, we elders and deacons in my locality read thru and discussed WN’s almost “definitive” book The Normal Christian Church Life. We had been told for decades how closely WL had carried out WN’s original “vision” as laid out in that book.

I and others were regularly shocked at how LSM violated nearly every principle laid forth in that book. I am not saying that every teaching in that book followed the pattern of the Apostles’ teaching in scripture. That is another story. But it was grossly obvious that the beliefs and practices of WL and the Blendeds by 2003-04 in no way matched what WN wrote in that book.

Jay please read and compare for yourself and see what you think. I wish I still had that book, with all my notes and highlights, and I would send it to you. It was one of those classic “blue volumes” published by LSM.
Ya know that's one book that I have yet to delve into in my years of studying LSM publications. I am reading a little bit from chapter 3 on the appointment of elders by the apostles and it seems that at least in my current locality the elders weren't chosen correctly. It seems, Idk for sure. But anyway it's a book with 9 chapters so I'll look into it as much as I can

I'm sure you are probably right in a lot of your assessment though. Just from what I've learned in the few months reading from this site it seems a lot of even the few paragraphs that I've read just now may have been violated by the "apostles" and their control over the localities in the last 60 years

But yes I would have liked to have read your notes on that. It's also interesting to note how things change and fluctuate by decade. How things were going however many decades ago when you were part of the LC, to how they are now may be night and day. Or they may be similar idk. But this seems like a large side subject in and of itself.....also I do get the impression that there is very little if any at all "oversight" on how this stuff is run by regular saints. I mean does anyone audit these positions in the LC? I doubt it. I doubt 99% of what the local elders do, or the traveling brothers, or even what goes on at LSM, etc. is being looked at or audited by any of the nominal saints in any given locality. Probably all fits into that "we don't want to be considered rebels" category. Or probably just no one even cares as long as outwardly things are going smoothly. Which basically means any amount or type of gross errors could be going on underneath people's noses and they wouldn't be any wiser because just no one thinks about this type of stuff
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