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Old 02-22-2024, 06:05 AM   #3
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Default Re: What would Jesus SAY at a Semi-Annual training?

Originally Posted by TheStarswillFall View Post
Or any LSM training/conference for that matter?
I cannot foresee any other outcome, unless Jesus quotes from the ministry (and not directly from Scripture).
I have said this many times to people even when I was in LC, that if Jesus would show up to this meeting He probably would not wanna be here. There are many reasons I could state, by here are the top few:
- He wouldn’t be quoting or caring much at all for Tha ministry, or what the founders of this movement said.
- He wouldn’t be practicing or exercising His spirit, because He never did so or even instructed anyone to do so.
- He wouldn’t be able to listen men speak evil of His other children, especially when they line up in droves after the supposedly enlightened men like Ron Kangas piles on them for an hour.
- He probably isn’t all that interested in being a couch potato, sitting and reading the outlines and the prescriptions of Lee and Nee.
- After He confront them about what’s going on there, the “Oh Lord Jesus”, shouts will get louder and louder as He speaks, that He would have no choice but to go and find some sinners and destitute who actually will listen and recognize something different!
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