Re: What is God's Economy?
There's been some consensus here, on what is not God's economy. It's not calling on the Lord, which is seen in the same vein as confessing Jesus as Lord. It's an instrumental sign of faith. at it's initiation: the charge to -- Confess, repent, believe, call, be baptized, be saved -- are all put apace in the conversion process. Calling is neither seen nor recommended anywhere as a continual process of "absorbing God" or any such, certainly not seen as God's economy.
Pray-reading is simply made-up. Paul never uses the phrase, nor does any other.
But what is God's economy? Paul, writing Timothy, encourages teachings that result in God's economy. Because he never defines it, we must take a broad view of Paul. In the beginning, I see the Jerusalem cohort sending him off, reminding him to "only remember the poor", which he claims to be eager to do. And at the end, he returns to Jerusalem with "alms for my nation".
In between, are numerous written and oral demonstrations in numerous forms, for the collection for the poor of Jerusalem. I therefore see his "God's economy" as his outworking of the Jesus charge: "Give to those who cannot repay you, and your reward in heaven will be great." Paul is bringing this teaching to the Nations.
I believe that one of Paul's few direct quotes his Master Jesus is this: "It is better to give, than to receive". Jesus also had said, "Give, and it will be given to you", and this theme of sharing with one another is nearly continual.
Then in Paul's epistles and the Acts there is the continual care for the ones who lack. Those who have, share with those who don't. Those who gather much, share with those who lack. Salvation is a gift of God, and giving is the sign, the "proof" of the love of God manifesting in humanity: "Therefore show these men the proof of your love and the reason for our pride in you, so that the churches can see it." (2 Cor 8:24)
If there's a more pervasive theme in Paul's acts and his letters, I don't see him teaching it. Certainly its not pray-reading, which doesn't seem to even exist...Paul was a Jewish Pharisee (Acts 23:6) who was appointed apostle to the nations (Gal 1:16; 2:7,8; Rom 1:5). And his message was that Christ's substitutionary death for us, opened up the path of eternal life, and that on this path, we should allow the love of God in Christ Jesus which brought us here, to flow out through us to our fellows. This was an instrumental part of Paul's gospel message, woven throughout every epistle to every church.
"For you are recognizing [more clearly] the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His astonishing kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) in that though he was [so very] rich yet for your sake he became [so very] poor in order that by his poverty you might become rich (abundantly supplied)." 2 Cor 8:9 (AMP) And Paul wanted Timothy to stay behind in Ephesus and make sure this message got taught, so that God's economy would come forth there, as well.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'