Originally Posted by Zezima
From my perspective, I understood the addition of that scripture within your statements as support for your statement. It’s not that you’re uplifting lee, rather you’re using the verse to support that “hypothetical” of it being possible to rationalize. “On the one hand ABC (insert Bible verse), therefore XYZ. “ Perhaps I have misunderstood your conjecture, though I am now curious why you added that verse into your words. Especially in parenthesis like you did.
Your questioning is based on an assumption that Lee is a false apostle. I don't agree with that. Lee has remaining fruit all over the world, and he has left lots of riches to all Christians everywhere. Does that mean he is without sin? No it doesn't. We all know his major faults and his major errors. The real question is does his major errors/sins disqualify his ministry? On that note we could ask is his ministry infallible? I would say no. I think there's mistakes in it as well as contradictions, and some of them are pretty big. We can see from all the testimonies that his views on deputy authority were misused and hurt a lot of people. But does that negate everything else he's said over the course of his lifetime work? I don't know that it does. Clearly the believers in the LC are enjoying it or else they wouldn't be there would they? If his ministry has no good to it then what would be the motivation to follow it?
I suppose it's up to the individual to decide what parts of his entire ministry are faulty. Many are throwing him totally away for various reasons. Ok, that's the decision of the individual. But where there's a problem if the attacks start to veer into that territory of tearing down his entire work. Which, we would have to ask ourselves what exactly is the motive behind that and who is instigating it? If it's of God then it would imply he is a false apostle, if it's of satan then it would imply that satan has a lot to gain by tearing down Lee's ministry. It makes you think doesn't it. Who's vehicle are we riding in? And if Lee is of no importance then why are you all here in the first place? It's similar to atheists who claim there is no God but spend a great deal of time arguing against his existence. If you believe there is no God why are you wasting so much time on a non-existing entity? Likewise if you believe Lee is false why spend so much time railing against him?
If to warn others so they don't get hurt then ok, but if you're trying to tear down his ministry to accomplish that are you absolutely sure it does nothing but hurt people? How do you know it doesn't help people? If there are local churches all over the world then surely there has to be some benefit to their ministry. Sure there's a lot to criticize, but have you considered looking at things to praise about it? Or are you doing what atheists do and only read the Bible to find things to criticize? And then ignore all the other good aspects about the Bible
I don't agree with uplifting people to a status above reproach and accountability. But I also like to give credit where it's due. I'm sure many criticized Paul because Paul was literally a murderer. But God chose him nonetheless. Now you'll say I'm comparing Lee to Paul again, actually Lee wasn't half as bad as Paul. I doubt Lee ever murdered anyone. Think about it for a second....