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Old 03-04-2011, 08:50 AM   #14
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Identifying Spiritual Authority

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I think that a different way to say what I just said is that I believe that there is spiritual authority. But I think that dealing with it is more about seeing what is not rather than defining what is.

Like defining what will be the acceptable teaching. We might be able to lay some general framework for proper teaching, but it either has to be very broad, or we risk excluding much sound teaching due to our own limitations. But when something is said that seems problematic, we should be willing to at least ask the question. A little like Kirk did in that Star Trek movie when he asked why god needed a starship. The first response of many was to say "you don't question God." But you should question the "god" that needs a starship.

In this case, question the man who claims that he has authority to write new scripture. Not because he claims authority as much as the fact that he writes "scripture" that redefines God and truth. I could ignore someone who claimed to write scripture if they at least wrote true things. But there are a lot of people out there looking for a guru. Another Lee.
To find spiritual authority is a matter of brokenness in the heart of the seeker. We live in a world that is overruled by Satan. The whole world lies in the evil one. Nevertheless, all authority comes from the Lord. Even Satans authority is deligated by the Lord. The Lords way is to take His people in hand and bless them and then break them. In His breaking we can see authority in all men. We seek out authority in men and use it as covering to advance. And when obedience under that covering is mature the covering also becomes a ransom for advance. Since all men have authority we only need to seek it out. Even a forty year old man can find authority in a five year old and be covered in it. How? By name. The names the Lord has called on men are all points of Authority. If a five year old is introduced to you as David, or as any name, you find authority there by honoring according to the meaning of the name. When we are bowed under the points of authority found in men, then the men get dealt with as to how they wear and use their authority. O the Wisdom of the Name!

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