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Old 02-16-2024, 06:09 AM   #589
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Default Re: God's Economy is in faith

Originally Posted by TLFisher View Post
Nothing wrong with the practice calling on the Lord, It should not be a mechanical exercise. It should not be a competition display of who can do it the loudest.
If the intent of calling on the Lord is to set our mind on our spirit, that can be done quietly as well. In my post-LSM/LC church experience those that choose do so take time prior to the services to set their minds on their spirit.
Even this so-called justification to “get into your spirit” or to “set your mind on your spirit” is seriously wanting when some self-titled “Blended” instructs the ITERO attendants at Whistler Resort to “all stand and call on the Lord 5 times.” What was that? I’m serious here. What was that?

That was a pathetic attempt to justify unrighteousness. That was a whitewashing of pathetic power politics. That was a public lynching of a perceived rival, perhaps the lone truth-teller. That was a form of godliness while denying its power. Paul told Timothy (2 T 3.5) to avoid such people.

Calling on the name of our dear Lord is a precious gift of faith for every true lover of God. From the dawn of mankind. I can imagine every true martyr of the Hebrews 11 kind expired with His name on their lips, their final words on planet earth. Was this not “worshiping in spirit and in truth?” Does not our heavenly Father demand such worship? (Jn 4.24)

But what I saw watching that TC Quarantine debacle was akin to a “seventh inning stretch.” That charade dragged on for h-o-u-r-s. Half the attendants were half asleep. So the Blended on stage makes an urgent announcement, “let’s all stand up and call … 5 times.” Except there was no “Lord” there. One day He may tell them, “I never knew you.” (Mt 7.23)
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