Re: What is God's Economy?
Following my last post (#560), let's say the formula "calling ("ooohlordjesus-ooohlordjesus-ooohlordjesus-ooohlordjesus!") is actually drinking the Spirit, and drinking the Spirit fills us with the Spirit, and being filled with the Spirit makes us transformed into the same image, from glory to glory. Suppose that is your premise.
Then, "Just keep eating, just keep drinking" means "that is all you need to do". The "just" part is critical. And the "simple" part. "It's so simple and easy". God's economy has been reduced to a performance, where if you do this, you get that. Simple, and easy.
But any part of that "simple and easy" formula for becoming filled with all the fullness of God can be interpreted other than what WL said it was. When Jesus said, "Blessed is the one who gives a cup of cool water" in Matthew 10:42 may really refer to giving cold water to a thirsty one who's given up their livelihood, and gone out preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Absolutely not referring to calling, at all. Perhaps it isn't so "simple and easy" as WL said.
And even if, and to some extent, that "calling" can be equated to "drinking" and "drinking" to the "filling of the Holy Spirit" and that to "transformation", there is not one verse to support the idea that any of this is connected to what Paul and Timothy and others were teaching the gentile churches as God's economy. Nothing.
And even moreso, what if you sit around all day, going "Ohlordjesus - ohlordjesus - ohlordjesus - ohlordjesus!" and you don't give a cup of water to the thirsty one? Are you really a disciple, according to Matthew 10? When I was with the FTTA I distinctly remember this being taught - "don't waste your time" on actual good works, just get the good building materials and get them to call "ohlordjesus" with you.
So WL's teaching of God's economy is wrong on several levels. First, it lacks actual basis, then it doesn't have internal coherence, and lastly it requires ignoring the plain teachings of Jesus and Paul.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'