Originally Posted by OBW
When it comes to viewing individuals, we should always remember that no man or woman is perfect. On any given day, at any given time, in any given set of circumstances, anyone is capable of acting outside of the grace given. And in certain terms, that could have ramifications concerning "authority." But we have all been given the charge, and therefore authority, to preach the gospel at some level. Just because I did not have my normal "quiet time" this morning does not relieve me of my charge to preach....
....I wonder if maybe the truth about authority is that we are all authorized to do the things that are according to our gifts for the benefit of the body and that most of us do not have the gift of discerning whether another's gift is being used efficiently, properly, and/or at all. In other words, the most important thing about spiritual authority is that I take what is given to me (i.e., God has authorized me concerning) and use it. And realize that all gifts are not my gifts. And others' gifts are not my gifts. And that my gifts are not others' gifts.
Amen! Brother, I don't think I can add to that!
As for whether or not understanding spiritual authority is about trying to second guess everyone else... I don't think so, although perhaps it depends upon the reason for which the person asks the question. It came to mind for me to post this topic because one of the persons on this site was claiming spiritual authority for themselves - and they wrote: "the Word defines me as one with authority". In a sense, the Word does - but in what sense does It?