Originally Posted by Jay
How are you not attacking though? You're just bashing. Which is whatever I guess. If you've been hurt it's understandable. But at least have some solid points in your attacks. Some of the stuff you all say I agree with, but if I don't agree then you just bash me. That's pretty weak honestly. You can't be objective and classy? You can't be mature? It's almost like you're a hate group with no other goal but to hate, even if what you're saying isn't viable. At least make sense. If it makes sense to you then fine, but if I disagree with it objectively then you attack me. That's silliness. Have you lost all your rationality?
I'm not aware of a post where I, Trapped, have bashed you, Jay. Can you give me an example? If so, I am happy to apologize. Generally I try to make it a point to deal with the teachings and arguments, rather than bash people, but I might have gone too far somewhere. Let me know.
However, if you mean to say that you disagreed with ACuriousFellow's link/document about calling on the Lord, and that you consider my response to you a bashing, what part of it is bashing? I'm genuinely confused by your response where you seem to disregard what it is the Bible clearly says, and so I asked if that is really what you are doing. And I'm genuinely confused by your lifting your experience over the Bible even when it contradicts the Bible. I'm genuinely confused that you consider hearing what the Bible teaches "an attack". As a Christian, who by definition is one who is supposed to hold to the Word of God, if the Word of God gets disregarded, what's the point?
I did ask you several clarifying questions, though, which you did not respond to in favor of saying what you said above. My questions were serious ones, and concerned ones, not bashing ones. If you want to answer those questions and explain further what you meant, I'm listening.