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Old 02-11-2024, 12:42 AM   #549
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 157
Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Wait a minute. So even though the Bible plainly shows in 1 Kings 18 what calling on the name of the Lord is (it's not calling over and over) and even though the Bible condemns vain repetitions (which is calling over and over), you would still stick with calling over and over, even though it's what the Bible condemns and never teaches?

From your post above, you make it clear that your experience trumps the Bible even when your experience is in direct contradiction to it. Why bother with the Bible at all?

Those in the local church have every right to practice however they want. But if the local church is going to teach that "OHHHH LORD JESUUUUUS! OHHHH LORRRRD JEEEESUUUUSS! OHHH LORRRD JESUUUUS!" is what is meant in the Bible by "calling on the Lord", then people outside the local church are going to call out that error.

It's a classic marker of a cult to consider disagreement and clear presentation of errors "attacks". I can't even comprehend hearing the truth of the Bible and considering it an attack!! Is that really the position you want to take?
How are you not attacking though? You're just bashing. Which is whatever I guess. If you've been hurt it's understandable. But at least have some solid points in your attacks. Some of the stuff you all say I agree with, but if I don't agree then you just bash me. That's pretty weak honestly. You can't be objective and classy? You can't be mature? It's almost like you're a hate group with no other goal but to hate, even if what you're saying isn't viable. At least make sense. If it makes sense to you then fine, but if I disagree with it objectively then you attack me. That's silliness. Have you lost all your rationality?
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