Originally Posted by Jay
Here's a bevy of verses that touch on calling on the name of the Lord
Acts 7:59; 9:14; 22:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Tim. 2:22; Gen. 4:26; 12:8; Deut. 4:7; Psa. 99:6; 116:17; 145:18; Isa. 12:2-4; 55:6; 64:7; Lam. 3:55-57
They all say either "calling on his name" or "calling upon the name of the Lord. Who is the Lord? Is it not the Lord Jesus? So should we not say "Oh Lord Jesus?" Does the Bible not tell us to do this?
I find your exposition regarding calling on the Lord to be as poorly executed as your attempts to justify Lee’s doctrine regarding the naming of the assemblies of God. You must realize that throwing a bunch of verses that mention “calling on the name of the Lord” is hardly a justification of the practice of repeatedly and mindlessly chanting the name of God in order to stir ourselves up. You have shown that “calling on the name of the Lord” is something mentioned in the scriptures. You have not shown at all that Lee’s doctrine regarding calling is something taught by the scriptures either explicitly or implicitly. You can do better than that, Jay.
I can show you a verse where a man sacrificed his virgin daughter to the flames in the name of YWH in order to keep his oath and received no condemnation or rebuke in the scriptures. Shall we use that as precedent to justify human sacrifice? No, because there is context to be considered. It would be supremely foolish and wicked to say and do such things and judge those who don't follow our lead. So don’t just throw verses that say “calling on the Lord.” Look at how those verses display and define “calling on the Lord” and show me how this justifies repetitious and mindless calling.
Honestly, this is an even poorer attempt at exposition than the matter of names because at the very least we see somewhat of a pattern with that in the New Testament (although as we know patterns are not rules and even if they were the pattern was broken with the church in Cenchreae and the church in Phoebe’s house). We cannot even find any sort of pattern that even implies that calling on the Lord means to just repeat his name over and over, much less that we should criticize the assemblies for not doing so.
But I promised you a thorough response. You have made a poor attempt at providing scriptural support by “reading the bible through a straw” as my mother would say, but it is an attempt nonetheless. I will answer it soon enough.