Originally Posted by UntoHim
NFNL, hope all is well with you and yours. I have kept you and your son in my thoughts and prayers, and I trust so many of us out here have as well.
I think your response to your friend was spot on.
No, prophesying is actually a gift, along with teaching, evangelizing and others. Not all have such gifts, much less the right to "exercise" them in a church gathering.
This all relates somewhat to Witness Lee's teaching regarding "the release of the spirit" (originated by Nee but Lee took to a whole different level). Lee taught that the release of the spirit (a dubious, man-made concept at best) had to be an outward, verbal manifestation such as "calling on the Lord" or "prayreading". He never provided any scriptural proof of this because there is none.
So really you need not do much more then point your friend to the Word of God, or in this case the lack of scriptural evidence for such a teaching or practice.
Thank you brother, for your thoughts and prayers... and your sharing.
I want to confess that sometimes, I get very very... I don't know if angry is the word, or frustrated, or disgusted, or what it is - with what I see as idolatry in the Local Church. I don't like that negative feeling, and I need to beg forgiveness for it and drop it. I just feel, I don't know - why are so many taken in by it? These are genuine Believers, aren't they? Do they not see the incongruity between what the Word clearly defines as a proper Christian (meek, humble, loving), and what the man who ran the show became?
Sheep don't eat sheep, they're herbivores. When you see a "sheep" attacking and devouring another sheep, you know it isn't a sheep at all - it's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Lord forgive me. Soften my heart to express Your love, Lord.