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Old 02-09-2024, 01:25 PM   #520
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: God's Economy is in faith

Originally Posted by ThankfulForever777 View Post
I believe that Witness Lee employed terms like "God's Economy" as a means to draw and then separate individuals from the broader Body of Christ. Additionally, concepts such as the teaching of the local ground of the church and practices like pray-reading and calling on the name of the Lord were similarly utilized to create a sense of exclusivity and control. Much like Jehovah Witnesses emphasize the name "Jehovah" and Seventh Day Adventists prioritize observing the Sabbath, Witness Lee emphasized buzzwords such as "God's Economy" and "Lord's Recovery," as well as phrases like "exercise your Spirit”, “sense of life” to isolate and bind believers.
Yes, the drive for a group to adopt "special practices" seems to have several unholy goals such as to maintain group loyalty through establishing unique terminology & language, to make the Guru feel like he or she has a special connection with God, and to make followers think the same of the leader.

One publication that has helped me to understand this odd drive for "special-ness" within the Recovery was F.B. Hole's Modern Mystical Teachings and the Word of God.


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