Originally Posted by aron
That is God’s economy as I see it. Nothing here about pray-reading. In order to promote pray-reading and repetitive noisemaking as the “central lane of the divine economy”, WL, BP et al set aside portions of scripture as of no effect, deeming it fallen human concepts, and natural, and only showing what not to do and say! Where did Jesus or Paul ever teach this kind of interpretive approach? No, our concepts should follow "every word that proceeds out from the mouth of God." This is our daily bread.
I believe that Witness Lee employed terms like "God's Economy" as a means to draw and then separate individuals from the broader Body of Christ. Additionally, concepts such as the teaching of the local ground of the church and practices like pray-reading and calling on the name of the Lord were similarly utilized to create a sense of exclusivity and control. Much like Jehovah Witnesses emphasize the name "Jehovah" and Seventh Day Adventists prioritize observing the Sabbath, Witness Lee emphasized buzzwords such as "God's Economy" and "Lord's Recovery," as well as phrases like "exercise your Spirit”, “sense of life” to isolate and bind believers.
The term "economy" appears only a handful of times in the writings of Paul, indicating that it is not of central importance compared to themes like Christ, the cross, repentance, holiness, and salvation, which are extensively emphasized throughout the Bible. Furthermore, the interpretation of "God's Economy" given by Witness Lee as the mingling and dispensing of the Triune God with tripartite man lacks biblical support and is an erroneous teaching. This perceived exclusivity around the concept of "economy" within the Lord's Recovery hinders genuine fellowship with other Christians outside the movement, creating unnecessary division.
In my perspective, God's Economy encompasses His grand plan of salvation in Christ and His divine will to establish His kingdom among us. This includes the fundamental teachings of Jesus and the apostles, such as believing in Christ, repenting of sins, living a righteous life, spreading the gospel, practicing compassion and generosity, honoring marriage, and more—all of which contribute to the realization of God's economy. However, within the Lord's Recovery movement, there appears to be a downplaying of these essential aspects, while abstract and mystical concepts like mingling and dispensing are elevated to a central focus. This shift can obscure the simplicity and power of the gospel message and detract from the core teachings of Scripture. It's crucial for believers to discern and recognize the subtle tactics of the enemy to distort foundational truths and sow division among God's people.