Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
I've had an interest in dissecting their conferences since that is what they most jealously guard. I understand that even with access to this most recent conference, their defense will likely still be the same.
"You took it out of context."
It's amazing how they always say this, yet they always fail to provide textual, audio, or scriptural evidence to counter with what they believe is proper context. They just say you did it wrong and kind of stop there.
"Ok, then. Show me the context."
There have been instances where someone would say something was off about a message but not even say specifically what, but others would still respond with "you took it out of context."
Took what out of context? They haven't even specified the critique yet! This is just further proof that they throw out this phrase reflexively and really have no idea how to respond properly.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun taking apart the message given at their "Special Fellowship" at the July 2019 semiannual training, so I'm sure I'd enjoy doing the same for this most recent training, especially if what has been presented recently is the kind of nonsense that Ron Kangas is peddling.
Does no one see how stupid this all is? Am I going crazy here? It's absolutely ridiculous, but it's been that pattern since before I was even born.
It's sad to think that even if we were able to get everyone in The Lord's Recovery to see clearly... well, by that time there will be ten new groups that are just as bad if not worse.
Then there’s no way to respond. No way to discuss anything, much less discuss “context.” IMHO there is no context that can justify speaking about half of the body the way RK did.
Imagine a “Shepherding Words Forum”….
Not holding my breath.