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Old 02-04-2024, 11:30 PM   #516
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by aron View Post

It's in the RecV footnotes. Yet again, the false dichotomy is assumed of either A or B, ignoring option C, which is the option the NT writers took.

"The law here refers to the Pentateuch, the first 5 books of the OT, written by Moses. In ruling over the people the king had to be instructed... and controlled by the word of God. The principle should be the same with the elders in the churches. In order to administrate or manage the church, the elders must be reconstituted with the holy word of God. As a result, they will be under God's government, under God's rule and control. Then spontaneously God will be in their decisions, and the elders will represent God and manage the affairs of the church. This kind of management is theocracy."
Wow that does not sound right of Lee to say. It appears he's implying that the elders are kings in the recovery, or maybe he's not. Maybe he's just using the kings as an example here? Idk it's a weird thing to say in the context he said it and regarding the kings and comparing their walk with God to the elder's walk with God. seems like people could read that and easily get confused and an elder could assume that means he's a king in God's house. Is that what Lee meant? Idk hard to say. We'd maybe need some other footnote or quote from Lee to verify
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