Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
This... is pretty damning if true. Based on the kind of statements I've seen from Kangas and the other leading brothers before as well as predicting the natural progression of their insanity over time, I'm fully willing to believe that Ron Kangas would say something like this.
That being said, for the sake of being thorough, I would appreciate it if anyone could at any point in time provide a link to the audio of this conference. Heck, even if I have to pay LSM to get a copy of it, I will gladly dish out whatever the conference fee was if this is the kind of nonsense being spat out by its leaders.
I understand if it is not readily available now. I know that the Local Churches are quite religious about protecting their precious copyright, especially when it contains the weirder and more radical things that they say, but I earnestly implore anyone who knows how to access these videos to share something substantial with us.
Quotes of this nature, above all others, are the kind that need to be publicized for other members in The Lord's Recovery to see as well as those outside of The Lord's Recovery, and primary sources are ideal.
While not audio or video, this is the LSM defense/rebuttal of RK’s words. Link previously posted in case you missed it. They don’t don’t deny that he said it, but try to provide “context”. Does this help?