Originally Posted by aron
God's economy is His household administration, His arrangement of dispensing, yes. But if the focus of the dispensing is you, where will that lead? I've shown the alternative reading of "dispensing" which follows Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: "Give, and it will be given to you" and so forth. Paul enumerated this in 2 Cor 8 & 9, and asked the gentile churches to participate, e. g., 1 Cor 16:1,2; Rom 15:25-28, &c. The Great Commandment was to love your neighbour, and Paul was showing them how.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this one. Who else would the focus be but us? Animals don't have a spirit, they were not created in the image of God. Atheists aren't born again so they don't have a regenerated human spirit in order to contact God. So who else would the dispensing be for? It's wonderful that we're the object of God's desire and his plan, and he accomplishes it through dispensing himself into us. That's a wonderful privilege. To ignore that and focus on works or love or anything else is actually pretty sad. God's like "hey you can do works, you can have love, you can have every positive thing, but all of these things are found in the spirit of my son Jesus. Hear ye him." Are we listening to Christ today? Or are we trying to please God out of our works, which is just a modified version of following the law. Any person who reads the Bible carefully understands that attempting to please God by following the law results in spiritual death and really is an insult to God. Just read the book of Romans up until chapter 8 and you'll see how following the law in order to please God is an error