Originally Posted by Jay
Well as far as the subject of Lee's ministry, I believe absolutely that it's focused on Jesus. It introduces you to your human spirit, which is the practical way to contact Jesus in real time. I am very grateful for Lee for that. I never would have known that or heard that from anywhere else. Who else talks about the human spirit? And in such a concise and to the point way?
Well Jay, maybe I was just really lucky for this to happen to little old me - but a couple of years after I walked away from the LC here in my hometown (the same one I migrated from San Diego to help establish in 1985) I found myself in the midst of a well attended multi-church Prayer Conference less than 5 miles from the LC Meeting Hall and then this shocking image flashed up on the screen...
What do you think ran through my mind in that moment?
No Jay, I was NOT thinking "
What the hell are these degraded lifeless Babylonians doing stealing such rich insights from the Ministry Of The Age and failing to give credit where credit is due?"
Actually Jay, I was rejoicing that someone had gone beyond simply knowing that human beings have a spirit! These people were actually doing something practical with a truth that we in the LCs had simply been content to know & beat our chests about. They were pressing on to maturity in Christ - and helping others along the same path!
Please STOP painting believers outside the LC with such a broad negative brush. You really have no idea what you are talking about.