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Old 02-02-2024, 09:52 PM   #255
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe View Post
Apparently this has been the final outcome with many of the so-called "Ministers Of The Age"?

Photo by PriestlyScribe - October 1987 Taipei, Taiwan

Modern Mystical Teachings and the Word of God. F. B. Hole

Chapter 6 Fanciful and Extravagant Ideas

While I believe that Lee's massive ego was a major factor here, the itching ears of worshipful MOTA followers may expect more and more tickling...lest their legs start walking...

I still hear talk about "new light" from the word in the LC. I'm sure it's a tickling thing in the hearts of the coworkers and the blendeds. I've heard them say things like "we are still receiving new light from the word." And then I've heard them also say things like "we still may receive new light," which is kind of dubious implying that probably Lee's contribution was a "closing" contribution to the revealed ministry light, etc. I'm not saying there's no light there either, and no new light, I believe their is, but it's very interesting to view it all in the context of how much they revered him like he was a direct oracle to God. It puts a lot of things in perspective and in their place when you finally see it all from that angle. It's like "oh no wonder they act like that, they uplifted this man to a near deity status." So of course they're going to sweep a ton of stuff under the rug regarding his personal life. Which is super culty behavior. At the very least you would have to say Lee reveled in his position and didn't do a great deal to quell their making him a celebrity. I'm not sure I see this behavior in the early churches with regards to Paul. I mean the entire book of 2nd Corinthians is all about Paul's constant suffering. Yet Lee was living like a celebrity. I guess God knows
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