Originally Posted by Ohio
Jay, I agree. Serious lack of balance and focus.
A while ago I read that half of the professing Christians spoke in tongues and half did not. Basically split down the middle. While I never spoke in tongues, I have met with a mildly Pentecostal community church. I found it sad that there was no balance, no crossover, no learning, from one side to the other. A huge wall existed. Unfortunately.
The same wall exists around the Recovery. I definitely felt that many riches in the Recovery could have benefitted the greater body of Christ. That definitely was more true in the early days of the 60’s and 70’s. Now, however, many Recovery practices have become so robotic, so structured, so mandated by headquarters. Eg, the last LSM meeting I watched was the Quarantine meeting of Titus Chu some 15 years ago. Things went quite long, and someone said “let’s rise and call on the Lord 5x.” That was vain, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and made me sick.
That’s why in his later ministry Paul exhorted us to call on His name out of a pure heart. No practice should become mechanical, void of faith, void of reality. Like Jesus said, “this people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far away.” The Recovery boasts in their unique practices and teachings, yet they are puffed up. Their ministry now conveys a feel-good pride that makes them feel so special, better than everyone else.
During that quarantine excommunication meeting they should have been crying. So intolerant of meany differences. They totally lost sight of our common faith, the real oneness of the Spirit. We in the Midwest were like 98.6% identical to them, but that was not adequate. They demand 100% submission to their authority. That is more totalitarian than Christian. But that was one thing that opened my eyes to see how far off things had become.
Lots of solid points you make here. Especially the part about they should have been crying. I fully 100% agree on that. These are not only just our brothers and sisters in the Lord, these are whole entire families with children etc. attached to them. Very very solemn thing
And maybe you're right in a lot of that assessment. Maybe they had become totalitarian. Maybe that's human nature when leadership privilege gets mixed with ambition. On the other hand from their perspective Titus Chu was leading a rebellion against the entire church itself. I don't know enough about him and what he was actually saying and doing to have any perspective on HIS side of things. I don't know what type of poison OR truth he was saying in order to say one way or another how they should have reacted to him. But they felt strongly enough over his behavior that they considered him a type of cancer in the body to be quarantined and cut out
But yeah they should have been weeping over that situation, not puffed up and aggressive. This is a shortness of the humanity in the leadership, which I've found consistently a problem in the LC
My mom used to always say that "Laodicea comes out of Philadelphia." I see a lot of Laodicea type behavior in the LC