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Old 03-01-2011, 04:47 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: Identifying Spiritual Authority

Speaking of Spiritual Authority....

I believe I upset a brother today. He texted me this morning, as he usually does... but this time I think what he sent came from him, and not from the ministry. What he sent me was this:

"1 Corinthians 14:31 'you can all prophesy' this is one of the clearest verses in the Bible. We may all have different gifts, but we can ALL prophesy. Our progress is slow b/c we do not speak."

I responded to this with:

"Ah, but 1 Corinthians 14:29 says "And as to prophets", indicating this portion is specifically directed to prophets - not to all men.
1 Cor 12:28 "And God has placed some in the Church; first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then works of power, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues." If all were prophets, then each would not be named here - and it would be no spiritual gift to prophesy, but merely a function of our own nature."

This brother remained silent to this the rest of the day, but just now has texted me more.

"Numbers 11:29 read that foot note."
"Also remember 1 Cor 14:24. This is speaking about the church meetings. The note on that is also good."
"1 Cor 14:1-5 Prophesying is not just for prophets it is the function of all the saints. This builds up the body."
"Remember to prophesy is to speak for God and speak forth God."

This brother was born and raised in an LRC home, so anything that challenges Lee's ministry is, I believe, terrifying to him. Lee embodies Spiritual Authority, in his eyes - and hence his desire that I read footnotes for elucidation (when the Scriptures themselves disagree with Lee's interpretation, go back to more of Lee's interpretations for enlightenment!)

I'm going to read what he's referenced, and give him a thoughtful and prayerful response. Do any of you have any suggestions? How have you dealt with dear ones like this?

In Him,

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