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Old 02-02-2024, 06:26 PM   #80
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 157
Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
We have all come to that “fork in the road” and were forced to make a decision to stay or go. Can you stay to effect positive change in your situation? That really is a decision to make with the Lord leading you, the Author and Perfecter of your faith
There's no way to change the scenario of the leadership there. It's just about as tight as the papal system. Unless certain elders came to me and apologized and said they were wrong about certain things. But they won't, because that's not how human nature works in leadership positions. If you're not in the position you're s.o.l. with regards to whatever problem you have, as demonstrated by many many testimonies on this website. That's just how human leadership is. You're s.o.l. if they disagree with you because they hold the position, you don't. So at any time they can pull the rank card on you to get their way, and they have. There's no way to fight that. Particularly when you have a scenario of "well we brothers prayed and WE FEEL this is best for you," which alludes to them being closer to God than you therefore whatever they say goes

For Brother Lee to take money from the saints to fund his sketchy side business with his unethical sons and then pay the saints back with their own tithe money is serious stuff. For elders to scoff at members who need financial help while millions of dollars is going to build more training centers and buy plots of land to bury their prominent members. Those are serious high level problems and were any apologies given? Maybe, was restitution made? I don't think in full, and in many cases none at all

I'm just a small brother who needs other members. I can't theologically leave for anywhere else, but I also haven't found myself going back. So......anyway this world seems about closing. The age is darker and darker. May not be long before the Lord returns anyway

But I know at least in my locality they have no fruit. No new ones. No lasting success in their gospel efforts. I wonder how God could bless them when they treat the lowly members like they're nothing. Sure they're still praising the Lord every day but they also ignore a lot. No one questions leadership, no one really takes care of needy members. So they're all just in a Jesus daze. They all just have blinders on, which I guess is what they've been trained to do. "Don't listen to the dissenters. Anyone who is causing problems ignore." Well that's a nice way of absolving yourself from any accountability. They're so hyper-focused on Jesus that they don't see something right in front of their face. Which is what they've been trained to do. Be good little lemmings who take direction. And if they don't then they're "rebels." If they step out of line then they become a problem and that's a powerful adhesive against change
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