Originally Posted by Ohio
Jay, you are reading “eating” into these scripture. Had the Spirit of God inspired Paul to minister about “eating” then we would see it in his writings. Please try to understand the word of God using the context, instead of the ministry of WL.
Remember that Text without Context is a Pretext for Proof Text. Whether you know it or not, that’s what you just did.
We don't need to see the word "eating" in his writings though sir. Jesus himself said it (John 6:57). Who has precedent-Jesus or Paul?
In Matthew 15:26-28 Jesus likened himself to bread crumbs for the dogs (gentile sinners) to eat. Yet another example of the blatant and obvious running theme of eating Jesus which permeates the Bible
With basic Bible study we know that Paul persecuted those who called on the name of the Lord in the book of Acts before his conversion, which is how he identified them. He literally heard them calling audibly and that's how he caught them. And later on he was taught in the ways of the church life by the same people who called on the name of the Lord. Calling on the name of the Lord is a running theme throughout the entire Bible. It's a basic practice of the church. It's also how we touch our spirit. And it's how we eat and assimilate the Lord. This is all pretty clear unless someone just wants to argue for the sake of arguing