Originally Posted by TheStarswillFall
In the most recent 2023 semi-annual training Ron Kangas made these statements:
"There are in fact some parallels between me and brother Lee. Brother Lee was also not an elder, just a brother, but what a brother he was! And with him was the ministry of the age..."
"In a certain sense I represent Christ in His heavenly ministry to all the saints".
These disgusting concepts are totally foreign to the New Testament, and really are sourced in Pagan Rome. The Roman Pope was merely a continuation of the Roman Caesar. This deification of the Roman leader has never left Western Civilization since Julius Caesar was first exalted as a god. The coming Therion Beast* of Revelation will soon replace the Papacy and exalt himself as the Christ, as Israel's Messiah, as the only God on earth, demanding all men to worship him under penalty of death.
The Pope in Rome and the MOTA in Anaheim differ only in scale.
*The Revelation Beast (Revelation chapters 13 thru 19) really should not be called the "Antichrist" because the Bible does not. The Greek word is
"therion" which is literally translated a "wild beast." This Wild Beast will not just be anti-christ, or against Christ, but is the Man of Sin who will exalt himself as God of all (2 Thess 2.4) and really should be considered as the archetypal "False Christ." (Matt 24.24)