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Old 01-29-2024, 12:44 PM   #69
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
...But who in Christianity is focused on living Christ, loving Christ, being connected to Christ, pursuing Christ for mutual satisfaction, and being taught how to do all of it? I think that Lee is absolutely right in his assessment of how poor modern Christianity is.
Well Jay, how about we look at a heathen government's recent assessment of a genuine Lord's Recovery Local Church?

This particular LC, until recently, may have been able to get by with claiming to be "focused on living Christ, loving Christ, being connected to Christ, pursuing Christ for mutual satisfaction, and being taught how to do all of it". But now, who in their right mind would believe a word of that after reading the Civil Court Transcript?

How unfortunate it is for a large modern City like OKC to have been assigned such a disgusting testimony of Jesus. And this is NOT just one bad apple in the barrel - this is the "cookie cutter" structure beneath all Witness Lee & LSM aligned churches.

Note: It appears that "Hearne" was a Full Time serving sister in that locality until she got fired for not going along with the cover-up. Just think about how her world got turned upside down...

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