Originally Posted by Trapped
The Bible simply refers to the church being in a city, and also references elders being appointed in each city. It doesn't teach anything more than that related to churches and cities. It doesn't explain why a church is referred to in relation to a city. It doesn't explain that this is how the believers are one in practicality. It doesn't explain that this is the practical expression of oneness. None of that is there. Lee taught that it is there in the Bible, but it is not. We could agree that this is Witness Lee's THEORY as to why the church is usually referred to in terms of the city, sure, but as far as the Bible actually explaining why it is, it is not there.
Lee made a connection to oneness where the Bible does not make a connection.
So a saint can say "the Bible often shows one church in each city", because it does. But a saint cannot say "and the Bible says that is how the believers are in oneness", because it does not say that anywhere.
Witness Lee taught it, and so to verify Witness Lee's teaching, we just need to look at if the Bible ever says meeting as the church in your city is connected to the expression of oneness. But it doesn't. Oneness is never connected to the locality, but instead is always connected to good works and care. To connect oneness to good works/care is biblical. To connect oneness to meeting as the church in your city is not biblical. The Bible does not connect "clear archetype for a way to meet" to "oneness".
That's the contention.
I would also add that Jesus prayed in John 17:21 “that they all may be one, even as you, Father, are in me, and I in You”.
However it is that the believers are supposed to be one must parallel whatever way the Father and the Son are one. It is absurd to claim that the Father and the Son are one on the basis of locality. Therefore, it is similarly absurd to claim that the believers must also be one on the basis of locality. Hence, oneness must involve something else, something the Bible reveals as the thing that shows the Father and Son are one. And based on Jesus' words, the thing that shows that the Father and Son are one was the good works Jesus did, not anything having anything to do with "how they meet".
Does that make sense?
You talked about a bunch of other stuff, which I’ll respond more to later.
The way to be one is similar to how a car engine works. You need all the necessary components. You will need the exhaust system, the drive belts, the cooling system, etc. If one of those functioning parts ceases to function then the engine will not go, or it will not go very well. In the same way how can the believers be one if they aren't exercising and living in their spirit? How can they be one if they are fundamentally divided from the other believers not only in belief and practice but in physical proximity? Your point that the ground of locality is not necessary folds under this reality
And the fruit of the schisms is a soulish fruit. As I said before I appreciate their works. As did Christ in Revelation 2:18-19. Unfortunately Thyatira is the Roman catholic church, Babylon, and that Babylonian system flows into the denominations. Objectively the denominations are better than the Roman Catholic church, but their practices are the same in essence. They are married to the world, they house unbelievers, and they are full of idolatry. Don't believe me? Let's look at the Roman Catholic church and all of their idols. These people actually in fact worship the idols of Mary and some of the apostles whom they call saints. They pray to these idols, literally even bowing down before them. How horrible is this, and yet are the denominations much better? Many of then still have pictures of a blonde haired blue eyed Jesus on their church walls. Many of them adorn themselves with crosses, or get tattoos of Christ on the cross. Is this not idolatry? It's enough to say they are divided, but we could go further and say that they are corrupted. Not only are they not one, but I believe many of them express satan. When I watch Joel Osteen or these other mega church pastors, I sense a demonic energy about them. These men are closer to satan than they are to God. What is their fruit then? Certainly it's not the oneness that Jesus was talking about in John 17