Originally Posted by Trapped
By the way, I do understand what you mean about questioning God from one of the other threads. Christians from all over wrestle with difficult parts of the Bible or difficult aspects of life where we all think we would do things differently than God has done. I think that's normal and it shows we have a brain and are thinking and trying to make things make sense. But what is not normal, particularly for a professing Christian, is to state without irony that you would be more apt to question God than to question Nee and Lee....two men you have already said in plenty of words have committed a plethora of abuses and sins
What I mean by that sir, is that if Nee and Lee are strictly just men who expound upon the Bible in an objective and strict sense, then they are no more wrong than the Bible is. If you go to that other thread and read the context with understanding you'll maybe get what I mean. If Nee's concept of deputy authority is Biblical then it's God that many people have a problem with and not Nee or Lee. Think about it for a minute