Originally Posted by TLFisher
It is a catch-22. On one hand we don't want "responsible ones" knowing about home lives of the saints. On the other hand we want the "responsible ones" to show care. It's not so easy. I think that's part of what led Steve Isitt to write "In Wake of the New Way". It was from a lack of care.
There is a fine line between knowing and caring versus knowing and controlling.
Really good point. In some recent experiences I have seen the so called elders not care about certain needy saints. And it's given me a bad taste in my mouth. I feel like genuine love and care should be a prerequisite for leadership in a church. But what I see is some very talented and capable brothers in those positions based on their capacity but not based on their growth in life and growth in the love and humanity of Jesus. Which in my view should disqualify them from a leadership role