Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
This is a quote from the site you linked-
"To know God is not adequate. To know Christ is also not adequate. Even to know the church is not adequate. We must go on to know the churches, which are local. If we are up to date in following the Lord, we will realize that today is the day of the local churches … We all realize that everything is in the Bible. But not long after the New Testament was completed, the church began to lose all the important things found in the Bible. Eventually, by the fifteenth century, everything was lost. Very little of God was known. Then the Lord began His recovery at the time of the Reformation with Martin Luther. [243]"
I agree with this quote. It's biblical as well as historically accurate. How could God get his corporate bride if they are not built up together? Also the Bible clearly shows us that God cares about the place of worship as I've stated many times. It also shows us that God hates spiritual fornication and division, which the Bible clearly shows us. God cares not only for the condition of his individual believers, but the condition of his churches. Yes the individuals ARE the churches, but if they are divided and scattered then how can the body be one? God cares for the assembly and he cares for the corporate experience. We see this clearly in Revelation with the 7 churches mentioned and their spiritual condition. The denominations are mentioned amongst these 7 churches. Only Philadelphia and Laodicea are the local churches. The rest are the denominations and the early church. Nee talks extensively about this is 'The orthodoxy of the church' book