Originally Posted by Jay
I'm sorry that you're upset. But it's not complicated. Just look at Acts and look at the epistles to the ONE church per ONE city that Paul was writing to. This is not a complicated scenario
It's also not hard to tell that the denominations are degraded. Look at how worldly their worship concerts are. You might not even know they're Christians unless you paid close attention the lyrics. Look at their false preachers preaching a contrary gospel of behavior modification and prosperity gospel. Look at their idolatry worship. Look at how poor they are in their knowledge of the word. Look at their unbiblical papal and pastoral system. Not hard to see my man
Paul was not writing to all the believers in Corinth or Rome or Thessalonica who met at different denominations and different church names. In fact he specifically called out that type of thought at its roots in 1 Corinthians 1:12-13. Yet now we see any and all manner of names and titles that have divided and continue to divide the one body of Christ. How can God's body be one if they are fundamentally divided from their roots? satan has done a large work throughout the centuries surrounding this