Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
Incorrect. My point is not that we do not need a physical place to worship. My point is that you have failed entirely to provide proper scriptural support for the idea that our worship is bound to the cities within which we are located. Deuteronomy 12:11 simply isn't enough for that. Period. All it establishes is that the Lord is one who chooses our place of worship. You must now present the scriptures specifically and within context to
1) support Lee's proposed naming scheme for the churches, and
2) support the idea that failing to follow this naming scheme is some grand, deadly poison to the church
Your job is provide solid scriptural support for this, and, as I will address in a later comment, Lee tries to turn a pattern into a rule where no rule is found when it comes to how the churches are named in the epistles and the book of Revelation. For now, I will address your critique of the denominations.
I'm sorry that you're upset. But it's not complicated. Just look at Acts and look at the epistles to the ONE church per ONE city that Paul was writing to. This is not a complicated scenario
It's also not hard to tell that the denominations are degraded. Look at how worldly their worship concerts are. You might not even know they're Christians unless you paid close attention the lyrics. Look at their false preachers preaching a contrary gospel of behavior modification and prosperity gospel. Look at their idolatry worship. Look at how poor they are in their knowledge of the word. Look at their unbiblical papal and pastoral system. Not hard to see my man