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Old 01-24-2024, 03:37 PM   #41
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Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Deuteronomy 12:11 says that we do not have a choice where we meet, it's wholly up to God, and we have to go where his choice is. Otherwise we are in the principle of division. This one verse alone blows the denominations out of the water because they are in the principle of division. They are separatists who separate themselves based on disagreements in doctrine and practices. They are by default not one, and they themselves would probably even tell you that they can't be one with Christians they don't agree with or share similar practices with

For starters, as I’ve argued already, this one verse does not justify the entirety or even most of Lee’s doctrine known as “The Ground of Oneness/The Church/Locality.” As such, it hardly “blows the denominations out of the water” like you or Lee may think. Lee’s desire to beat down the denominations is quite clear, and I’ve even compiled some verses to show Lee’s desire and efforts to create his own denomination.

Now, let’s make use of our minds and think critically for a moment. First, a question: what is a doctrine? The answer: a teaching. A doctrine is literally a teaching. If you say “the Bible says this” about x, y, or z, you are presenting a teaching. You are presenting a doctrine. Some doctrines are worth dividing over. After all, “there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval” (1 Corinthians 11:19). There exists teachings, doctrines, which are absolutely unacceptable within the churches of God. For instance, you can see in Galatians that there was a teaching, a doctrine, that the believers must be circumcised in order to be saved. What did Paul say about those who preached such a false gospel? May the Lord curse them! (Galatians 1:9). May they emasculate themselves! (Galatians 5:12). To those who had accepted this false teaching/doctrine/gospel, what did Paul declare? How could you be so easily deceived? (Galatians 1:6-9). Fools! (Galatians 3:1-3).

Yet you critique the denominations because you say they separate themselves based on disagreements in doctrine and practice? Do you not realize that the very name of Lee’s denomination, The Lord’s Recovery, is based on the principle of separation from the other Christian groups based on Lee’s doctrines and practices? Based on his disagreements with other groups? His group is by default not one with the others, and he brags about it. Look once more at the quotes I’ve compiled if you must. Do you not see the irony in this?

Many denominational Christians and assemblies act quite contrary to what you have mentioned. I grew up in a Baptist church. I’ve had sweet fellowship and oneness with Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, and even Recovery members. Many of them simply do not care about denominational differences, and this isn’t even just at the individual level. Many denominations, as the YouTuber presented later in their video, often have fellowship with one another. Their leaders meet to discuss teachings and scriptures and pray with one another. They organize prayer and worship times with one another. They pitch in resources for mission trips within their region or elsewhere. They preach the gospel together. They help the poor together. Yet what does The Lord’s Recovery do with regards to this? The refuse fellowship, and for Lee all it took was that the other groups did not follow his doctrine of how to name an assembly.

Many portions of Lee’s ministry attest to this, and even one of the highest-ranked leaders today, Ron Kangas, emphasizes the need to burn all bridges with Christianity.
A Curious Fellow
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