01-23-2024, 06:17 PM
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 157
Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery
Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
You are always free to disagree.
You made a statement that this YouTuber is conflating the doctrine of the “Ground of Oneness” and the doctrine of the “Ground of the Church” which is sometimes referred to as the “Ground of Locality.” To say that one can be conflated with the other in this particular case is like saying water and H2O can be conflated. They may have different names, but they are essentially the same thing. You don’t even have to just take my word for it. Let’s take a look at a primary source on the matter:
We have the ground of oneness, the ground of the church, and the ground of locality being presented by Lee himself, and it was done so quite explicitly. These three things have not been conflated by the YouTuber in question because they cannot be conflated. They are all different names for the same general concept of how a church should meet locally, placing emphasis primarily on how a church, an assembly of saints, names itself. As such, this particular point you made cannot readily discount how this YouTuber presented Lee’s teaching, for he rightly identified not only its name but its purpose and function. I’ll address your other statements at a later point in time, but I figured this was a good place to start.
It looks like I'm incorrect. It would seem that what they mean by 'the genuine ground of oneness is the oneness of the locality.' Meaning one church per one city. Which is what this explains more clearly. I guess I had it wrong initially. I thought the oneness amongst the believers was the oneness that comes from sharing the faith. Hmm, interesting though because I think at other times in different contexts Lee has said that to keep the oneness is just to accept other believers. I could be wrong on that too. But anyway here is a link that kind of consolidates what they mean by ground of oneness and locality
An interesting quote from the link-
Even though we may meet some with some other saints that are not like us but quite different from us, we don’t just “move to another church” if we don’t like someone but pay the price to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace. We realize that there has to be a local church as a local expression of the universal Body of Christ so that the church may exist, may be expressed, and may be practiced in a practical way.
Without the local church, the universal church is abstract – even non-existent; but when we touch the local church on the ground of oneness, the universal church is real and full of meaning. How can we practice being in the church? It is by being in the local church. Where is the expression of the church? Where can we find the church today? It is in the local churches; the only place where we can see the universal church being expressed is the local churches
The Lord said that He will build His church: where does this building take place? It takes place in spirit, but the place where this happens is the local church, the local expression of the universal church on the ground of oneness
The practice of the church life in the early days was the practice of having one church for one city, one city with only one church; in no city was there “more than one church” (see Acts 8:1; 13:1; Rev. 1:11). Today in the Lord’s recovery we stand on the ground of oneness taking the city as the jurisdiction of the church, and we stand in oneness with the whole Body of Christ to practice the church life on the local ground