Originally Posted by Trapped
I’ve been reading your posts for the past few days and I’m not sure if you realize it, but you’ve painted quite a picture. Taking your 30+ posts together, you have described the local churches like this:
1. preaches a “minister of the age” doctrine which isn’t backed up by the Bible
2. covers and protects sexual perpetrators/criminals and destroys the reputation of those who speak up.............................
All of this is what you described or concluded.
O voice of reason. Thank you for taking the time to mine out these "crucial points"

Gives an excellent "bird's eye view"

Anyone to PSRP these 27 points with me?
Then we can all prophesy!
Originally Posted by Trapped
You have mentioned a few times that the doctrines are biblically sound and essentially impenetrable. Have you come across any of the videos on the youtube channel “The Lord’s Recovery Unchained”? There are videos on God’s economy, the ground of oneness, and numerous others in which Lee’s teachings are tested against the Word, and Lee comes out short over and over... but if you are willing to hear some disagreement with the doctrines while looking at the Bible, I would recommend them.
The Lord’s Recovery Unchained youtube channel has been a bit of an oasis to me.