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Old 01-22-2024, 04:15 PM   #24
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 157
Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
I saw a video on YouTube (canīt find it) about a year ago or so where WL spoke to FTTA trainees. The first part of the video was actually quite good, describing how to go to the word and how to look to the Lord to get light and His shining on the word.

But then around mid-way or so, he changed topics to the matter of how God used one minister in every age to accomplish His move for that age. And he kept talking about it and giving examples, like Noah, etc. Of course he never said I am the MOTA now, but he just put all the pieces there so that you would inevitably come up with that conclusion yourself.

Wish I could find the video.
What's funny is that if you actually read the Bible there are many instances of God using two or three people to accomplish something, not just one person. He even uses women at certain times, when men are too weak to take the lead or too wrong to be chosen by God. And many times God also comes in and deals with rulers or leaders who have become corrupted. Also there isn't really any words on "deputy authority" per se, or lifelong position and authority for any "speaker of the age." Not that I can see in my Bible. It stands to reason that if a leader is wrong or corrupted or makes some type of huge mistake or sin that harms the congregation that he should step down and depending on the error it may need to be exposed to the local government

There is a sister who had a testimony about one of her friends being sexually assaulted by a leading brother who was heading up the young people's work. That brother was not quarantined, that brother was not excommunicated, and they "covered" him, which really they just did a cover up of his crime. That sister was told that the brother would be removed from his position over the young people, but it turns out it never actually happened. This is extremely dangerous, and from her letter (it can be found here-, it says that several years later she found out that this offending brother was still a leader of the young people. This is where the "covering brothers" become complicit in a crime. That brother should have been turned over to the law in addition to being excommunicated, but he wasn't. I'm sure it was due to his being in good with the high up brothers in that church. Anyway she also said that church had a meeting about her, and the letter she wrote exposing the offending brother and they called her a rebel and said she wouldn't be an overcomer. Just horrible
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