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Old 01-22-2024, 03:04 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 157
Default Re: Open - Interactive Letter to The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post

Yes, the ones above do "consider" and "fellowship about" and "notice" and "select" various ones below them to be "brought in" to the next level of fellowship. There is extreme subservience from the "new" or "junior" ones who were just brought in, even if AARP would consider them a senior citizen.

It's not written or contracted that an LC must be subservient to these anonymous people, but when they blow into town, boy you'd better believe the brown-nosing revs up real fast. This is often where the beloved brothers turn into bullies, as they fall in line with the bullying that the previously nameless co-workers who came into town make them carry out.

This means, for the record, that when the co-workers make a decision, it BY DEFAULT means that LSM has also made a decision, since all LSM board members are co-workers. It's a complete conflict of interest, mixing church and business, appearance of evil, mess.

The not naming names thing is not some humble move. It's totally to avoid accountability and to make it easier to make people disappear and whitewash the tomb over again as if their dead bones aren't inside.
I've experienced this. They constantly say there's no position or hierarchy in the church, but like you said when a "high up" level coworker comes to your locality and speaks the entire atmosphere changes and they look at this speaking or "blending" brother with a air of reverence. It's bizarre. I've seen this happen many times and I've been caught up in it myself too. I remember once when Ed Marks stopped by our locality to do a speaking I was in awe of him. I did feel like he had a lot of Christ, but at the same time I caught myself kind of revering him like you would a celebrity and looking back that was strange that I and others had that type of behavior and atmosphere. He was treated like a king

Another time there was a brothers meeting and an elder in a locality was absolutely bashing another brother who had visited their locality (he wasn't a coworker or speaking brother, he was just visiting because he was considering moving there). This brother was recently divorced and the elder was just full of venom against this guy. And I knew this guy personally and the divorce was extremely hard on him. So not only was it not fair how the elder was talking about this guy, but the whole atmosphere was just so fleshly and like a klan rally almost. It was super bizarre. What the brothers do and talk about behind closed doors or in their little elder meetings and important brother meetings is very different from how they present themselves to the general church body

Once more I remember listening to a recording of Brother Lee speaking in a elders and coworker meeting and I'd never heard him so much in his flesh than on that tape. We all have our flesh and can get fleshly if we're not careful, but the way he was talking was like that's how they always do it. I remember he was bashing the American culture and character and uplifting the Chinese character in this tape. He was all like "The American character is too too poor, but the Chinese are so superior and they are fine and detailed and deep and etc." and was just so full of pride it was wild

Last edited by Jay; 01-22-2024 at 05:24 PM.
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