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Old 01-21-2024, 06:11 PM   #48
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Default Re: A few questions

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I am not sure at all what the actual church gives but as far as I know the decisions of the finances (from local member donations) is solely up to the leading brothers in whatever locality. Meaning it's a local decision what to do with the church's donated funds. But that's just what I've heard from one leading brother. Actually I heard the exact opposite from another older brother who said that the money donated is NOT up to the local administration. So I don't know for sure, but I'm leaning towards the former, the decision is up to the local administration on how to distribute the funds. But I'd also bet that the money they get from selling books and morning revivals etc. goes back to LSM
Jay, now you see the difficulty I faced as a church Treasurer. Repeatedly the official line of autonomy was proclaimed, but behind the scenes we were subservient to the “ministry,” which in our case was both Cleveland and Anaheim. In reality local elders were little more than franchise managers. They were also regularly scapegoated since HQ is “always right, even when they are wrong.”

After facing endless hypocrisy and blame, one day I reached my limit, and abruptly resigned. The Lord within helped me “grow a spine” and end my participation in this hypocrisy.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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