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Old 12-04-2023, 06:51 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: The Roman Road vs. Lee's "road"

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
I was wondering if the way LC's Gospel and baptism truly save.
There's no way for us say for sure, but you're asking the same question I'm asking. One test we are told about in the word is that people are known by their fruit. Considering Buddhism is bad fruit for someone who "grew up" or was saved in the Local Church under Witness Lee's ministry.

Many of you may remember the name Max Rapoport (deceased). Before encountering Witness Lee, Max was an evangelist. He told the story, after his exit from Lee's good graces, that on an early visit to Taiwan (I think) he somehow met with the Church in Taiwan. As he was interacting with the membership, he somehow came to the surprising conclusion which caused him to remark "these people aren't even saved."

So today, we are looking at the fruit of "calling on the Lord". Specifically, the fruit of eternal salvation and a life altering encounter with Jesus Christ who saves eternally and initiates a walk with him resulting in spiritual growth and truth. That is, growth in the life of God himself...not Buddism or any other unholy spirit.

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