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Old 11-20-2023, 06:22 AM   #110
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Default Re: Leaving The Local Church Has Consequences

I left the LC not to long ago, and over the weekend I had a meeting with one of the people who is still devoted follower of Lee and the movement. I was told that I’m spreading “poison” to people, just by simply providing quotes and showing people that Lee wasn’t all that he is, or was one of the most divisive men in church history who ever walked this earth.

I’m not sure how to even explain this, but it’s truly is a conundrum that their writings, published and promoted by LSM, sold as the ministry of the age, taught to be the only true God’s speaking, can be dubbed as poison by their own group while they are consuming it like a lion devouring it’s prey. I guess you can’t say it out loud, or point out the depth of this delusion to these people. “Poison”-will be your nickname, and as a leper you will be treated. Hurtful, abusive, marginalized and lower than the dirt they step on every day they will make you feel like, while calling on the name at the same time!
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