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Old 11-18-2023, 05:43 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 173
Default Re: Brief Introduction- I Started Leaving the Local Church 5 Years Ago

Thank you for sharing your testimony, Anon-San. It seems like you've walked a difficult road, and I hope you will find at least some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your circumstances. I hope your therapy continues to be fruitful and that you are able to untangle all the memories and emotions thoroughly so that you can find healing and strength.

As for that Crowley quote from earlier, I can certainly understand how the scriptures may seem like madness to many. I realized this when one day I had a thought that Islam and Hinduism were full of madness and came to the conclusion that this sensation I feel towards other religions must be the same that atheists and agnostics feel towards me. Such a strange feeling to realize that, yet it is one that helped me realize as a young man that there is often quite a chasm that needs to be bridged in order to truly understand other people. Even if the person is open to scriptural exhortation, it takes time to bridge gaps and make a real connection, and as a teacher I am quite familiar with such a process as I've lived it out with hundreds of students.

Whoo boy. This really hit me close to home because my brother is an agnostic and we've had our fair share of theological and ideological brawls. Certainly some food for thought.
A Curious Fellow
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